Erasmus +

<b>Erasmus +</b> 5At the Vocational Educational and Training Centre after G. Zanardelli we are aware of the importance of relations, mutual knowledge, acceptance, respect for diversity in development and personal growth.

For this reason, the development of internationality is one of our priorities.

Carrying out international cooperation activities and developing national and international projects, the Centre purposefully contributes to the improvement of the quality in teaching and infrastructure.

In order to ensure the achievements of our goals, we aim to:

  1. Promote European active citizenship;
  2. Define and promote the exchange of good practice in training;
  3. Recognise and validate skills and competences through the use of European tools.

In this way our Centre promotes innovative vocational training, develops the professional, general and cultural skills and interests of its students.

We try not only to realize new projects, but also to maintain productive and innovative relations within a network of international partners.

Each year in addition to sending its students abroad, we host groups of international students and teachers thanks to our experience in organizing training placements and job shadowing activities.

  • Projects 2020/2022

– Erasmus Plus- KA229- School Exchange Partnerships: DIGITAL TREASURE BOX2020-1-AT01-KA229-078043_3

-Erasmus Plus- KA229- School Exchange Partnerships: POWER RACE TOOLS – 2020-1-BE02-KA229-074762_3

-Erasmus Plus- KA202 Strategic partnership, Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices: SUSTAINABLE EFFICIENT AND SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE QUALITY APPRENTICE TRAINING – 2020-1-ES01-KA202-082466

-Erasmus Plus- KA227- School Exchange Partnerships: ARCHI’NATURE, CREATIVITY 4 ENVIRONMENT AND WELLNESS

  • Projects 2019/2020

– Erasmus Plus- KA202 Strategic partnership, Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices: INCLUSION AND EMPLOYABILITY THROUGH ELECTRIC VEHICLES TECHNOLOGY – 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064075

– Erasmus Plus – KA101 Learning Mobility of Individuals, School education staff mobility: IMPROVED AND ADAPTED TEACHING TO INCREASE THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT FOR NEWLY ARRIVED STUDENTS -2019-2-SE01-KA101-077484

-European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development: COMMON EUROPEAN LEARNING – 2019-2-PMU-2006

  • Projects 2017/2019

– Erasmus Plus -KA201 Strategic partnership, Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices: TIP – “TRANSFERRING INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN 2ND CHANCE EDUCATION ADDRESSING ELET


<b>Erasmus +</b> 7Al Centro Formazione Provinciale ‘G. Zanardelli’ siamo consapevoli dell’importanza delle relazioni, della conoscenza reciproca, dell’accoglienza, del rispetto delle diversità nello sviluppo e nella crescita dell’individuo.

Per questo l’internazionalità è una delle nostre priorità.

Stiamo costruendo, in effetti, moltissime attività di cooperazione internazionale e stiamo realizzando progetti nazionali e internazionali, contribuendo in modo mirato al miglioramento della qualità dell’insegnamento e delle infrastrutture.

Al fine di tradurre tali ideali in pratiche quotidiani stiamo lavorando per:

  1. promuovere la cittadinanza europea attiva;
  2. definire e favorire allo scambio di buone pratiche nella formazione;
  3. riconoscere e validare delle competenze attraverso l’uso degli strumenti europei.

In questo modo il C.F.P. G. Zanardelli promuove una formazione professionale innovativa, sviluppa le capacità professionali, generali e culturali e gli interessi dei suoi studenti.

Cerchiamo non solo di realizzare nuovi progetti, ma anche di costruire e mantenere relazioni innovative in rete con partner internazionali.

Ogni anno, oltre ad inviare i propri studenti all’estero, ospitiamo gruppi di studenti e insegnanti internazionali grazie alla nostra grande esperienza nell’organizzazione dei tirocini formativi e nell’attività di job shadowing.

  • Progetti 2020/2022

– Erasmus Plus- KA229- School Exchange Partnerships: DIGITAL TREASURE BOX2020-1-AT01-KA229-078043_3

-Erasmus Plus- KA229- School Exchange Partnerships: POWER RACE TOOLS – 2020-1-BE02-KA229-074762_3

-Erasmus Plus- KA202 Partenariato strategico, Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche: SUSTAINABLE EFFICIENT AND SOCIALLY INCLUSIVE QUALITY APPRENTICE TRAINING – 2020-1-ES01-KA202-082466

-Erasmus Plus- KA227- School Exchange Partnerships: ARCHI’NATURE, CREATIVITY 4 ENVIRONMENT AND WELLNESS

  • Progetti 2019/2020

– Erasmus Plus- KA202 Partenariato strategico, Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche:  INCLUSION AND EMPLOYABILITY THROUGH ELECTRIC VEHICLES TECHNOLOGY – 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064075

– Erasmus Plus – KA101 Mobilità per l’apprendimento, Scuola e Educazione degli Adulti: IMPROVED AND ADAPTED TEACHING TO INCREASE THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT FOR NEWLY ARRIVED STUDENTS -2019-2-SE01-KA101-077484

-European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development: COMMON EUROPEAN LEARNING – 2019-2-PMU-2006

  • Progetti 2017/2019

– Erasmus Plus -KA201 Partenariato strategico, Cooperazione per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche: TIP – “TRANSFERRING INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN 2ND CHANCE EDUCATION ADDRESSING ELET

<b>Erasmus +</b> 6